Carrie's War by Nina Bawden
Adapted by Emma Reeves
Directed by Andrew Loudon
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All Novel Theatre adaptations stay faithful to the text. Our School resource pack contains the following:
Nina Bawden’s life and work
American soldiers in Britain
History: How Carrie’s War supports National Curriculum studies on WW2 – the Home Front. (The themes addressed in Carrie’s War will be particularly useful background for students studying History at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3.)
Reading / Writing / Speaking: Activities to support the National Literacy Framework with emphasis on years 6 – 9, including comprehension, character study, class discussion and guided writing exercises.
Listening / Drama: Activities to support the National Literacy Framework with emphasis on years 6 – 9, including hotseating, role-playing, improvisation.
Synopsis of the novel
Synopsis of the play
Differences between the novel and the adaptation
Further reading and information
Web links
Press quotes about Carrie’s War
Extracts from the novel
Extracts from the play